
Neurobion Forte Tablet is used for Vitamin b 12 deficiencies, Arthritis, Diabetic neuropathy, Clogged arteries, High cholesterol, Arthritic, Gray hair, Osteoarthritis, Alopecia, Mental disorders and other conditions. Neurobion Forte Tablet may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.
Neurobion Forte Tablet contains Calcium Pantothenate, Cyanocobalamin, Nicotinamide, Pyridoxine and Thiamine as active ingredients.
Neurobion Forte Tablet works by protecting cells against peroxidative damage by increasing the level of glutathione; helping tissue in respiration and metabolism of fats, protein thus lowers blood cholesterol by inhibiting the synthesis of LDL; normalizing the formation of red blood cells and nerve tissues; modifying the electrical activity thus relaxing and slowing overactive heart muscles; relaxing the nerve signals to the brain;
Detailed information related to Neurobion Forte Tablet's uses, composition, dosage, side effects and reviews is listed below.


Neurobion Forte Tablet is used for the treatment, control, prevention, & improvement of the following diseases, conditions and symptoms:
Learn more: Uses


The following is a list of possible side-effects that may occur from all constituting ingredients of Neurobion Forte Tablet. This is not a comprehensive list. These side-effects are possible, but do not always occur. Some of the side-effects may be rare but serious. Consult your doctor if you observe any of the following side-effects, especially if they do not go away.
If you notice other side-effects not listed above, contact your doctor for medical advice. You may also report side-effects to your local food and drug administration authority.


Before using Neurobion Forte Tablet, inform your doctor about your current list of medications, over the counter products (e.g. vitamins, herbal supplements, etc.), allergies, pre-existing diseases, and current health conditions (e.g. pregnancy, upcoming surgery, etc.). Some health conditions may make you more susceptible to the side-effects of the drug. Take as directed by your doctor or follow the direction printed on the product insert. Dosage is based on your condition. Tell your doctor if your condition persists or worsens. Important counseling points are listed below.
  • Breastfeeding
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Do not consume if allergic to any ingredient in the medicine
  • Do not consume if pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Do not use the medicine if suffering from renal or hepatic impairment
  • Hives
  • If you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding
  • If you are taking any prescription or nonprescription medicine, herbal preparation, or dietary supplement
  • If you drink alcohol on a regular basis
  • If you have allergies to medicines, foods, or other substances

Interactions with Neurobion Forte Tablet

If you use other drugs or over the counter products at the same time, the effects of Neurobion Forte Tablet may change. This may increase your risk for side-effects or cause your drug not to work properly. Tell your doctor about all the drugs, vitamins, and herbal supplements you are using, so that you doctor can help you prevent or manage drug interactions. Neurobion Forte Tablet may interact with the following drugs and products:
  • Abacavir
  • Alcohol
  • Carbamazepine
  • Chloramphenicol
  • Cholestyramine
  • Ciprofloxacin
  • Colchicine
  • Digoxin
  • Dolutegravir
  • Epoetin

When not to use Neurobion Forte Tablet

Hypersensitivity to Neurobion Forte Tablet is a contraindication. In addition, Neurobion Forte Tablet should not be used if you have the following conditions:
  • Active peptic ulcer
  • Acute myocardial infarction
  • Atrophic gastritis
  • Cardiac arrhythmias
  • Condition of increased mast cells
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Double dose
  • Hypersensitivity
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Leber's hereditary optic atrophy

Composition and Active Ingredients

Neurobion Forte Tablet is composed of the following active ingredients (salts)
Please note that this medicine may be available in various strengths for each active ingredient listed above.

Packages and Strengths

Neurobion Forte Tablet is available in the following packages and strengths
Neurobion Forte Tablet - Packages: 10 Tablet, 50 Tablet

Frequently asked Questions

  • Is Neurobion Forte Tablet safe to use when pregnant?
    • Calcium Pantothenate: Please consult with your doctor for case-specific recommendations.
    • Nicotinamide: Please consult with your doctor for case-specific recommendations.
    • Cyanocobalamin: Please consult with your doctor for case-specific recommendations.
    • Pyridoxine: Please consult with your doctor for case-specific recommendations.
    • Thiamine: Yes
  • Is Neurobion Forte Tablet safe while breastfeeding?
    • Calcium Pantothenate: Please discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor.
    • Nicotinamide: Please discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor.
    • Cyanocobalamin: Please discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor.
    • Pyridoxine: Please discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor.
    • Thiamine: Yes
  • Can Neurobion Forte Tablet be used for vitamin b 12 deficiencies and arthritis?
    Yes, vitamin b 12 deficiencies and arthritis are among the most common reported uses for Neurobion Forte Tablet. Please do not use Neurobion Forte Tablet for vitamin b 12 deficiencies and arthritis without consulting first with your doctor. Click here and view survey results to find out what other patients report as common uses for Neurobion Forte Tablet.
  • How long do I need to use Neurobion Forte Tablet before I see improvement of my conditions?
    TabletWise.com website users have reported 1 week and same day as the most common time it takes before they saw improvements in their conditions. These times may not be reflective of what you may experience or how you should use this medicine. Please consult with your doctor to check how long do you need to use Neurobion Forte Tablet. Click here and view survey results to find out what other patients report as time for effectiveness for Neurobion Forte Tablet.
  • At what frequency do I need to use Neurobion Forte Tablet?
    TabletWise.com website users have reported once a day and twice a day as the most common frequency of using Neurobion Forte Tablet. Please follow your doctor's advice on how often you need to Neurobion Forte Tablet. Click here and view survey results to find out what other patients report as frequency of using Neurobion Forte Tablet.
  • Should I use Neurobion Forte Tablet empty stomach, before food or after food?
    TabletWise.com website users have most commonly reported using Neurobion Forte Tablet after food. However, this may not be reflective of how you should use this medicine. Please follow your doctor's advice on how you should use this medicine. Click here and view survey results to find out what other patients report as timing of using Neurobion Forte Tablet.
  • Is it safe to drive or operate heavy machinery when using this product?
    If you experience drowsiness, dizziness, hypotension or a headache as side-effects when using Neurobion Forte Tablet medicine then it may not be safe to drive a vehicle or operate heavy machinery. One should not drive a vehicle if using the medicine makes you drowsy, dizzy or lowers your blood-pressure extensively. Pharmacists also advise patients not to drink alcohol with medicines as alcohol intensifies drowsiness side-effects. Please check for these effects on your body when using Neurobion Forte Tablet. Always consult with your doctor for recommendations specific to your body and health conditions.
  • Is this medicine or product addictive or habit forming?
    Most medicines don't come with a potential for addiction or abuse. Usually, the government's categorizes medicines that can be addictive as controlled substances. Examples include schedule H or X in India and schedule II-V in the US. Please consult the product package to make sure that the medicine does not belong to such special categorizations of medicines. Lastly, do not self-medicate and increase your body's dependence to medicines without the advice of a doctor.
  • Can i stop using this product immediately or do I have to slowly wean off the use?
    Some medicines need to be tapered or cannot be stopped immediately because of rebound effects. Please consult with your doctor for recommendations specific to your body, health and other medications that you may be using.

Other important Information on Neurobion Forte Tablet

Missing a dose

In case you miss a dose, use it as soon as you notice. If it is close to the time of your next dose, skip the missed dose and resume your dosing schedule. Do not use extra dose to make up for a missed dose. If you are regularly missing doses, consider setting an alarm or asking a family member to remind you. Please consult your doctor to discuss changes in your dosing schedule or a new schedule to make up for missed doses, if you have missed too many doses recently.

Overdosage of Neurobion Forte Tablet

  • Do not use more than prescribed dose. Taking more medication will not improve your symptoms; rather they may cause poisoning or serious side-effects. If you suspect that you or anyone else who may have overdosed of Neurobion Forte Tablet, please go to the emergency department of the closest hospital or nursing home. Bring a medicine box, container, or label with you to help doctors with necessary information.
  • Do not give your medicines to other people even if you know that they have the same condition or it seems that they may have similar conditions. This may lead to overdosage.
  • Please consult your physician or pharmacist or product package for more information.

Storage of Neurobion Forte Tablet

  • Store medicines at room temperature, away from heat and direct light. Do not freeze medicines unless required by package insert. Keep medicines away from children and pets.
  • Do not flush medications down the toilet or pour them into drainage unless instructed to do so. Medication discarded in this manner may contaminate the environment. Please consult your pharmacist or doctor for more details on how to safely discard Neurobion Forte Tablet.

Expired Neurobion Forte Tablet

  • Taking a single dose of expired Neurobion Forte Tablet is unlikely to produce an adverse event. However, please discuss with your primary health provider or pharmacist for proper advice or if you feel unwell or sick. Expired drug may become ineffective in treating your prescribed conditions. To be on the safe side, it is important not to use expired drugs. If you have a chronic illness that requires taking medicine constantly such as heart condition, seizures, and life-threatening allergies, you are much safer keeping in touch with your primary health care provider so that you can have a fresh supply of unexpired medications.

Dosage Information

Please consult your physician or pharmacist or refer to the product package.

Cite this page

APA Style Citation

  • Neurobion Forte Tablet - Product - TabletWise.com. (n.d.). Retrieved October 23, 2023, from https://www.tabletwise.com/neurobion-forte-tablet

MLA Style Citation

  • "Neurobion Forte Tablet - Product - TabletWise.com" Tabletwise.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Oct. 2023.

Chicago Style Citation

  • "Neurobion Forte Tablet - Product - TabletWise.com" Tabletwise. Accessed October 23, 2023. https://www.tabletwise.com/neurobion-forte-tablet.

Consumer Reviews - Neurobion Forte Tablet

The following are the results of on-going survey on TabletWise.com for Neurobion Forte Tablet. These results only indicate the perceptions of the website users. Please base your medical decisions only on the advice of a doctor or a registered medical professional.

Uses, Effectiveness and Side-effects

Following are the uses, perceived effectiveness and perceived side-effects incidence information reported by website visitor for Neurobion Forte Tablet:
The most commonly reported use of this medicine is for 'Vitamin b 12 deficiencies'.
Use Users Percentile Effective
Vitamin b 12 deficiencies328
Diabetic neuropathy188
Clogged arteries132
High cholesterol118
Gray hair91
Mental disorders74
Addisonian anemia72
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder60
  • Major
  • Moderate
  • Slight
  • None
  • Can't tell
Participants: 2265
500 out of 655 users report that this medicine is effective.
Effective Users Percentile
Does not work155
Participants: 655
Onset of Action
'1 week' is the most commonly reported time for this medicine to be effective.
Duration Users Percentile
1 week48
Same day46
1 day44
> 3 months35
1 month26
3 days19
Participants: 289
Incidents of Side-effects
146 out of 407 users report that this medicine has side-effects.
Users Percentile
No side-effect261
Experienced side-effects146
Participants: 407
Reported Side-effects
'Dysfunction of nerves resulting in numbness' is the most commonly reported side-effect of this medicine.
Side-effect Users Percentile Severity
Dysfunction of nerves resulting in numbness9
Blurred vision6
Chest pain5
Skin rash4
Feeling of swelling of entire body4
Blurred eyesight3
Increased blood sugar level3
Deposition of calcium salts in tissues3
  • Severe
  • Moderate
  • Mild
Participants: 84
Long-term Side-effects
6 out of 45 users reported that they experienced long term side-effects while using this medicine for more than 3 months.
Users Percentile
Yes, experienced long-term side-effects6
No, not experienced long-term side-effects39
Participants: 45
Side-effect Reported to Agency
0 out of 1 users say that they have reported the unlisted sideeffect to their doctor, pharmaceutical company, or local authority.
Users Percentile
Yes, reported the side-effect0
No, not reported the side-effect1
Participants: 1
Allergic Reactions
6 out of 50 users have reported allergic reactions to this medicine.
Users Percentile
Yes, allergic to this medicine6
No, not allergic to this medicine44
Participants: 50
Allergic Reaction Symptoms
'Stomach upset (e.g. diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, or stomach pain)' is the most commonly reported allergic symptom of this medicine.
Symptom Users Percentile
Stomach upset (e.g. diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, or stomach pain)3
Participants: 3

Consumption Behaviors

Following are the usage behaviors reported by website visitor for Neurobion Forte Tablet:
5 - 10 MG is the most commonly used strength of this medicine.
Strength Users Percentile
5 - 10 MG50
0 - 1 MG39
2 - 5 MG37
25 - 50 MG28
50 - 100 MG26
1 - 2 MG26
Participants: 259
Frequency of Use
Users report most commonly using this medicine 'once a day'.
Users Percentile
Once a day221
Twice a day75
Thrice a day11
Once in 2 days9
Once a week3
Once in 3 days3
Participants: 322
Users report most commonly using this medicine 'after food'.
Frequency Users Percentile
Empty Stomach26
Before food16
After food268
Participants: 347
187 out of 373 users report that they regularly use this medicine to manage their health.
Users Percentile
Yes, always, to control health problem187
No, only when problem occurs or worsens186
Participants: 373
Time of Use
Users report most commonly using this medicine at 'night only'.
Timing Users Percentile
Night only105
Morning only75
Afternoon only55
Morning and night52
Morning, afternoon and night21
Morning and afternoon15
Afternoon and night8
Participants: 331
179 out of 316 users report that the medicine has been prescribed by a doctor.
Users Percentile
Prescribed by a doctor179
Not prescribed by a doctor137
Participants: 316
Users report always adhering to the prescribed schedule.
Users Percentile
Participants: 315
Reason for Non-adherence
"I am afraid of side effects" is the most commonly reported reason for non adherence of this medicine.
Reason Users Percentile
I am afraid of side effects8
I don't believe the medicine helps me7
Financial reason5
I changed the direction to make the medicine more effective3
I experienced side effects2
Participants: 25
Ease of Usage
Users most commonly report that it is not at all difficult to take this medicine as prescribed.
Difficulty Users Percentile
Not at all40
A little9
Participants: 54
Habit Forming
10 out of 54 users report that this medicine is habit forming.
Users Percentile
Yes, is habit forming10
No, not habit forming44
Participants: 54
Stopped Using
25 out of 55 users report that they have stopped using this medicine.
Users Percentile
Yes, stopped using25
No, never stopped using30
Participants: 55
Reason to Stop Using
'Course of treatment ended' is the most commonly reported reason to stop using this medicine.
Reason Users Percentile
Course of treatment ended7
Doctor's advice5
Personal research3
Did not seem to work2
Change in health plan coverage1
Side effects too severe1
Participants: 19
Cheaper Alternative
15 out of 53 users report that they have tried cheaper alternatives to this medicine.
Users Percentile
Yes, tried cheaper alternative15
No, not tried cheaper alternative38
Participants: 53
Cheaper Alternative Effectiveness
8 out of 15 users report that the cheaper alternatives to this medicine are effective.
Users Percentile
Yes, cheaper alternative is effective8
No, cheaper alternative is not effective7
Participants: 15


Following are the perceptions about the price reported by the website visitors for Neurobion Forte Tablet:
Price Perception
73 out of 362 users report that they find this medicine to be expensive.
Users Percentile
Not Expensive289
Participants: 362


Following is the demographic information reported by website visitors for Neurobion Forte Tablet. Information below may include patient demographics as well as data for website visitors who might be researching on behalf of patients e.g. parents for small children. The data below may or may not be reflective of the complete patient population demographics for this medicine/health topic.
116 out of 157 users are male.
Users Percentile
Participants: 157
The most common user is 21-30 years old.
Users Percentile
< 2114
Participants: 146
Marital Status
Users most commonly report that they are 'Married or domestic partnership'.
Users Percentile
Married or domestic partnership12
Single, never married2
Participants: 15
Users most commonly suffer from Back pain.
Users Percentile
Back pain32
Chronic pain (e.g., arthritis, migraine, fibromyalgia, neuropathy)15
High blood pressure7
Participants: 98
Body Weight
43 out of 155 users report that they are overweight.
Users Percentile
Not overweight112
Participants: 155
Smoking Habit
116 out of 145 users report that they do not smoke.
Users Percentile
Do not smoke116
Participants: 145
Alcohol Consumption Frequency
Users most commonly reported never using alcohol
Users Percentile
One drink a day4
Two drinks a day5
More than two drinks a day8
Once a week5
Twice a week4
Once a month19
Participants: 147
60 out of 141 users report that they had significant pain in the last 3 months.
Users Percentile
Significant pain in the last 3 months60
No significant pain in the last 3 months81
Participants: 141
Student is the most common profession reported by users.
Users Percentile
Government service14
Family business8
House Maker8
Participants: 107
Routine Health Check-ups
11 out of 15 users report that they receive routine health check-ups or physical examinations.
Users Percentile
Yes, receive routine health check-ups or physical examinations11
No, do not receive routine health check-ups or physical examinations4
Participants: 15
Missed Health Checkup Reason
'I do not have medical insurance' is the most commonly reported reason for not receiving routine health checkups.
Users Percentile
I do not have medical insurance2
I do not have the time1
I am not able to afford the payment1
Participants: 4
5 out of 14 users report that they are taking more than one medicine on regular basis.
Users Percentile
Yes, taking more than one medicine on regular basis5
No, not on taking more than one medicine on regular basis9
Participants: 14
5 out of 12 users report that they are have received immunization.
Users Percentile
Yes, received immunization5
No, not received immunization7
Participants: 12
3 out of 15 users report that they take vitamins or herbal supplements.
Users Percentile
Yes, taking supplements3
No, not taking supplements12
Participants: 15
Exercise Frequency
Users most commonly exercise once a week.
Users Percentile
Once a week74
Twice a week14
Five times a week10
Participants: 145
Exercise Duration
Users most commonly report that they exercise 'Less than 30 minutes' each time.
Users Percentile
Less than 30 minutes4
Less than 1 hour2
More than 1 hour1
Participants: 7
Like Exercising
Users most commonly report that they enjoy exercising 'Always'.
Users Percentile
Most of the time2
Participants: 7
Difficulties in Exercising
'Time availability' is the most commonly reported difficulty in achieving fitness.
Users Percentile
Time availability3
Proper techniques2
Being consistent with workout schedule1
Losing weight1
Participants: 7
Fruits and Vegetables
Users most commonly report that they eat fruits and vegetables 'Everyday'.
Users Percentile
1-3 times per week5
1-3 times per month1
Participants: 13
Healthy Food Choices
Users most commonly report that they make a healthy food choice 'Always'.
Users Percentile
Most of the time5
Participants: 14
Eating Out
Users most commonly report to eat out '1-3 times per week'.
Users Percentile
1-3 times per week5
Participants: 9
Fast Food Frequency
Users most commonly report that they eat fast food '1-3 times per month'.
Users Percentile
1-3 times per month5
1-3 times per week1
Participants: 7
Special Diet
2 out of 13 users report that they are on a special diet.
Users Percentile
Yes, on a special diet2
No, not on a special diet11
Participants: 13
Housing Type
Users most commonly report that they live in a 'House'.
Users Percentile
Participants: 14
Own Home
10 out of 14 users report that they own a home.
Users Percentile
Yes, own a home10
No, do not own a home4
Participants: 14
Non-emergency Visits
Users most commonly report that they go to 'Doctor's Clinic' for their non-emergency health issues.
Users Percentile
Doctor's Clinic8
Participants: 13
Medicine Source
Users most commonly report to buy medicine from 'Local pharmacy'.
Users Percentile
Local pharmacy11
Participants: 13

Last updated date

This page was last updated on 9/27/2020.
This page provides information for Neurobion Forte Tablet Product in English.
Diabetic Neuropathy
High Cholesterol