What are the uses of Vizylac?

Vizylac Capsule is a medicine that is used for the treatment of Diarrhea, Irritable bowel syndrome, Acne, Skin disorders, Vitamin b3 deficiency, Diadrrhea and other conditions.
The complete list of uses and indications for Vizylac Capsule is as follows:

Reviews - Vizylac Capsule Uses

The following are the results of on-going survey on TabletWise.com for Vizylac Capsule. These results only indicate the perceptions of the website users. Please base your medical decisions only on the advice of a doctor or a registered medical professional.
The most commonly reported use of this medicine is for 'Diarrhea'.
Use Users Percentile Effective
Irritable bowel syndrome87
Skin disorders44
Vitamin b3 deficiency40
Vaginal infection24
Whitish or yellowish discharge of mucus from the vagina18
Diarrhea in young children18
Tongue infections14
Muscle cramps13
  • Major
  • Moderate
  • Slight
  • None
  • Can't tell
Participants: 653
166 out of 215 users report that this medicine is effective.
Effective Users Percentile
Does not work49
Participants: 215
Users report most commonly using this medicine 'after food'.
Frequency Users Percentile
Empty Stomach8
Before food4
After food69
Participants: 87
25 out of 51 users report that they regularly use this medicine to manage their health.
Users Percentile
Yes, always, to control health problem25
No, only when problem occurs or worsens26
Participants: 51
Time of Use
Users report most commonly using this medicine at 'morning and night'.
Timing Users Percentile
Morning and night35
Night only18
Afternoon only10
Morning only9
Morning, afternoon and night8
Morning and afternoon7
Afternoon and night4
Participants: 91
71 out of 92 users report that the medicine has been prescribed by a doctor.
Users Percentile
Prescribed by a doctor71
Not prescribed by a doctor21
Participants: 92
Users report always adhering to the prescribed schedule.
Users Percentile
Participants: 70
Reason for Non-adherence
No data has been collected for this survey
Ease of Usage
Users most commonly report that it is not at all difficult to take this medicine as prescribed.
Difficulty Users Percentile
Not at all4
A little1
Participants: 7
Habit Forming
1 out of 9 users report that this medicine is habit forming.
Users Percentile
Yes, is habit forming1
No, not habit forming8
Participants: 9
Stopped Using
4 out of 6 users report that they have stopped using this medicine.
Users Percentile
Yes, stopped using4
No, never stopped using2
Participants: 6
Reason to Stop Using
'Course of treatment ended' is the most commonly reported reason to stop using this medicine.
Reason Users Percentile
Course of treatment ended3
Participants: 3
Cheaper Alternative
5 out of 9 users report that they have tried cheaper alternatives to this medicine.
Users Percentile
Yes, tried cheaper alternative5
No, not tried cheaper alternative4
Participants: 9
Cheaper Alternative Effectiveness
3 out of 5 users report that the cheaper alternatives to this medicine are effective.
Users Percentile
Yes, cheaper alternative is effective3
No, cheaper alternative is not effective2
Participants: 5

Vizylac Capsule Working, Mechanism of Action and Pharmacology

Please consult your physician or pharmacist or product package for this information.

Last updated date

This page was last updated on 9/27/2020.
This page provides information for Vizylac Capsule Uses in English.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Vitamin A Deficiency

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